Easily integrate the RCP into your life —
See all Phases illustrated step-by-step below &
Download a free PDF version of the Handbook.


    • Iron Supplements

    • ANY Foods Fortified with Iron

    • ANY Sources of “Added Iron”

    • Vitamin D3 Supplements

    • ANY Foods Fortified with Vitamin D

    • Calcium Supplements

    • Zinc Supplements

    • Molybdenum Supplements

    • One-A-Day Multivitamins

    • Prenatals

    • B Vitamins from a Bottle (get them from food!)

    • Synthetic Forms of Ascorbate/Ascorbic Acid

    • Synthetic Forms of Citrate/Citric Acid

    • High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS)

    • Artificial Sweeteners

    • Industrialized Omega-6 Oils
    (ex: Soybean, Vegetable, Canola Oil)

    • Fluoride (ex: Toothpaste, Water)

    • Colloidal Silver as an Antibiotic

    • Low-Fat, High-Carb, Processed, Refined Foods

    • Environmental Toxins

    • Blue Light Exposure

    • EMFs from Electronic Devices


    • Adrenal Cocktails

    • Mineral Drops and/or Transdermal Magnesium

    • Wholefood Vitamin C (WFC) Complex

    • Magnesium

    • Grass-Fed Organic Beef Liver


    • Organic Ancestral Whole Foods

    • Mineralized Filtered Water

    • Mother Nature’s sources of B Vitamins

    • Wholefood Vitamin E Complex

    • Boron

    • Cod Liver Oil


    • Taurine

    • Silica / Diatomaceous Earth

    • Wholefood Sources of Iodine

  • START:

    • Donating Blood

    • Managing Histamine Levels / Reactions

    • Releasing Emotional Stress

    • Strengthening the Bioenergetic Field

    • Getting Regular Sunlight

    • Doing Joyful Movement

What is the RCP?

  • The RCP repairs damage from Oxidative Stress: the root cause of illness and disease. It works by restoring balance to key minerals: Magnesium, Copper, and Iron.

  • Morley Robbins. The RCP is the culmination of his life’s dedication & work: over ten years of re-analyzing medical and scientific research, helping clients worldwide. He founded the RCP’s revolutionary approach to health by redefining the holistic perspective to look beyond the “whole” of the body, considering not only the roots, but also the composition and condition of the soil.

  • That is up to you! Some people find they are not able to make the required changes because they are not ready to let go of their old lifestyle yet. That is okay! Healing is a journey, and being willing, ready, and capable, is the first step.

    When determining the timeline for transitioning Phases, and also anticipating results, it is important to consider the following factors:

    • How dysregulated your mineral levels are when you begin the RCP.

    • How much damage stress caused on your body.

    For most adherents, the health transformations are so dramatic that the RCP becomes a permanent lifestyle change.

    Just like with any other Protocol of defining what is “good for you”, everyone goes through times where we fall off of the bandwagon and cheat on our diets, get lazy with supplements and exercise, and need to find our way back on the horse.

    The RCP is a guide to assist us in maintaining our mineral balance and reducing oxidative stress through all of life’s many ups & downs.

  • Sometimes! The Protocol is not static, it changes in accordance to new data, research, trials, client feedback & results, and the expansion of understanding how the body works, what it needs, what interferes with healing, and what is the most optimal route to achieving it.

    Updated versions of the RCP Handbook are always free. You can find the latest version directly on the RCP’s website (scroll up to see the link above).

  • Nope! But we understand why you could think we are “cultish”, because we sure are excited to share.

    Meet anyone on the Protocol and they will most likely corner you (in a nice way) and explain how the RCP changed their life, got them off of medications, helped them shed stubborn weight, and has them feeling younger and healthier than ever before.

    Don’t worry, they aren’t trying to convert you. Everyone on the Protocol understands that a person has to be READY, and if they are not ready there is no use pushing them.

    But for many who have joined the RCP, they were told by doctors that their suffering was only “in their head”, there were no other options for treatment, there was no hope, that lots of other people were sick and doing “just fine”, and they would need to accept these limitations and come to terms with their new reality.

    They’ve paid thousands of dollars to see specialists at top hospitals, try alternative treatments and participate in clinical trials, take medications, order a closet full of supplements, hire naturopaths, homeopaths, functional medicine practitioners, parasite specialists, rare disease doctors, and nutritionists, most of whom do not accept health insurance, and tried new diets, exercise regimes, therapy, and other wellness modalities, all to no avail.

    So when after all of that time, effort, and money, you find a new plan that is easy to follow, adaptable, affordable, and actually works — wouldn’t you also tell every single person you meet about how they can fix their health and finally feel good too?

    And if one man created this lifestyle, and is still active and available to speak with, wouldn’t you be extremely grateful for his commitment to this research and work, which he shares worldwide for FREE?

    I would, and I did! And if you begin the RCP, you will too!

  • The RCP was designed to be self-implemented, but sometimes life, family, and our health becomes too overwhelming and a guiding hand is welcomed.

    Perhaps you are not sure when is best to implement each Phase, had a reaction or have a special medication/condition that requires customization, or have not been able to make the stress connection on your own.

    If you are new to health protocols, revamping your diet, wellness products and therapies, you might find the adjustment phase to be overwhelming, adding extra stressors and therefore blocking progress.

    Some clients are initially successful with their commitment, but are chronically unable to follow through with transitioning the implementation of these practices into permanent habits.

    Or maybe you do not want to “go at it” alone!

    Whatever your reasons, and whichever Phase you are in, I am here to support your progress and keep you motivated until your goals are achieved.

  • RCP Consultants receive Certification after participation in a four month long training program at the RCP Institute, including weekly classes, tutoring sessions, testing, guided learning seminars, review of previous consults, assigned readings, case studies, medical journals, and completion of a submitted and graded consulting session. This training also includes interpretation of HTMA and blood marker lab results. RCP Consultants are trained in how to optimize the Protocol, how to assist clients in adapting it into their everyday lives, how to recognize patterns of stress, and understanding how the body works at the biochemical level in relation to the Protocol.

    Alumni participate in shared groups, forums, and chats, assisting other Consultants with specified expertise they may be lacking or client needs that they have not yet experienced treating. Consultants also share new studies and research, updates on personal progress of alternative treatments, offer recommendations for supplements and other health products.

    Consultants are available to answer questions as well as moderate the officially sanctioned RCP Forum. Subscribe as a RCP Premium Community Member to access the Forum via my affiliate link here. (I’m a member too — Join & say hi!)

    Training does not “stop” for any of us, as we are a group of lifelong learners and researchers, generously sharing, and truly wanting to help our communities achieve health and happiness together.

  • The RCP is one-sized fits all, correct. This is because it does not serve as an individualized “treatment”. It is a lifestyle change, just like how all vegetarians do not eat meat, or how all keto adherents avoid grain & carbs. This lifestyle change, provides the fundamentals for keeping your mineral status in balance.

    For most who commit to the RCP, after implementation, at least 1/2 of the Protocol becomes integrated permanently into their lifestyle. It is a new way to think about how we live, how we eat, how we manage our emotions, how we organize our environment, and how we keep our body strong and in balance.

    The RCP is a collection of recommendations, based on scientific-research, that are organized into Phases to support your body’s natural healing process as your mineral status rebalances. Each Phase has been tweaked through the years, based on real client experiences, to support specific nutrients, minerals, and biologic / genetic cycles, in the least stressful way possible.

    If you have specific medical conditions and diagnoses, or are on medications that can interfere with the recommendations, the RCP can be tailored around those needs and customized with substitutions, until your body has healed enough to be able to handle the Protocol in full.

    The RCP is not marketed as a “glamorous” wellness initiative; it was designed for normal everyday people, who became extremely ill and were abandoned by the medical and pharmaceutical industries. There is ample experience in our community of navigating the Protocol around all illnesses, diseases, conditions, ailments, allergies, medications, and mindsets — and if your substitution request is novel, RCP Consultants will be the first in line to figure it out with you and stay the course by your side.

  • The Protocol will be adapted to fit your needs. Some Dietary Restrictions such as food intolerances will disappear after a period of time on the RCP. Additionally, many people have found that their IgE allergies were completely healed. Personally, my allergies have not yet healed, as it is dependent upon the severity and biochemical cause.

    The RCP recommends consumption of certain animal products, such as liver and milk. There are many vegetarians & vegans who adhere to the RCP (including me), despite the recommended preference of animal-based diets.

    We will work together to figure out appropriate substitutions for any dietary restrictions, with the understanding that the RCP’s guaranteed success comes from complete adherence, so your progress might appear slower than others’.

    It is important to remember that this is a lifestyle change, not just a diet or health program, so as your life and environment and body change and adapt, so will your adherence to and needs of the Protocol.

  • The RCP is not a medical program. Please continue your normal dose of prescribed medications and continue to see and be treated by your usual physicians.

    Any recommendations of the RCP that might cause interactions with prescribed medications will be adjusted. Please review these recommendations with your physicians before beginning the Protocol to avoid a potential medical emergency.

    Most adherents discover that they no longer need many medications. For example, I was on thyroid medication for thirteen years, under the impression I would need to remain on it for life. After 2 years on the RCP, I was able to come off of my thyroid medication completely and have not returned to it, free of all thyroid related symptoms.

    Please continue to monitor your blood markers with your physicians, as they will change, along with your tolerance of prescribed medications. You will begin to become aware of your changing tolerance, in addition to your changing blood markers, and your physicians will adjust your medications as needed until you are completely removed from them.

    Please remember that physicians are normal everyday people, whom graduated specialized programs with knowledge on how to prescribe medication and recognize when and if it is needed. You are in control of your own health, including your body, hiring and/or firing of said physicians, and agreeing to use of or denying adherence to their recommendations. The choice and responsibility is always yours.

  • If there are other Protocols, Treatments, and Therapies that you have adapted into your life, believe are beneficial, and do not wish to part with, we will review these together and discuss how they might be helping and/or hindering your progress, so you can make an informed decision on whether or not to continue them.

  • You can apply to be considered for the RCP Institute’s next Group via my affiliate referral code here.

To learn more about the science & research behind
the Root Cause Protocol, visit
their website!